
We are constantly on the look-out for motivated and ambitious individuals
who wish to develop a career in sales and/or marketing.


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Experience is always desirable, although not necessary we have contractors from all different backgrounds that have either chosen a new career path or are looking to enter the workforce. Our recruitment process allows us to see if you have the necessary attributes and values in order to be successful.

Sales experience is a great asset; however we look for sales ability when assessing your application. Therefore, you may have a host of skills and experiences that would help you make a great sales contractor.  We are a big believer in training and eduction providing daily workshops to constantly improve your skills.

Through out your time as a contractor many travel opportunities will arise, we work with a certain clients that encourage up-skilling on their products both nationally and internationally. With some of our contractors being able to travel to Italy, Malaysia, Bali, Phuket, London and of course all over Australia.

At Silver Lining we believe in coaching people from the ground up and providing them opportunities to co-ordinate event sites, train and coach other contractors and manage and run their own client/campaign.

Our recruiters are committed to responding to your application within five working days. Often they will call for a phone appointment or send an email to your chosen email address, so remember to check your inbox.

Training, Mobility and Development

The success of Silver Lining depends on the success of our people. From our organisational structure to our training, development and mobility programs, we continually strive to reward those motivated to achieve, and give them a clear path to reaching their career goals.

Induction and sales training.

From day one, you’ll be set up with full training and support to make sure you are a company success. Our accredited trainers and experienced leaders will take you through a combination of classroom – style learning, on-site training modules and hand’s-on experience to build your sales skills. Through development program we offer you can achieve a cert III, cert IIII or diploma in business management.

Leadership Pathways

Leadership is important in any competitive business, and at Silver Lining, we expect our leaders to have the skills, knowledge and ownership to run their business. Our leadership pathway program help develop the skills and abilities of future and current leaders, and centre on the belief that learning occurs through experience, exposure and eduction.

Business development program

At Silver Lining, we strongly believe in advancing within, with some of our most senior leaders starting their careers as sales contractors. Our business development program helps our contractors understand the range of career opportunities available and what skills, development and experience they will need to progress down their chosen career path.


We know that our biggest asset is our people and we want to make it easier for them to pursue their career goals- wherever that may be. Silver Lining offers opportunities to work with affiliated offices both nationally and internationally.

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